Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) is a registered charity dedicated to eliminating the death and disease caused by tobacco.
Cessation aids
These are products that help people to quit smoking.
District health boards (DHBs) are responsible for providing or funding the provision of health services in their district. Disability support services and some health services are funded and purchased nationally by the Ministry of Health.There are 20 DHBs in New Zealand and each DHB is governed by a board of up to 11 members. DHB boards set the overall strategic direction for the DHB and monitor its performance.
The Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS), run by HPA, is a monitor of the health behaviour and attitudes of between approximately 3,000 adults New Zealand adults aged 15 years and over. The HLS is carried out every two years, starting in 2008.
The Health Promotion Agency’s (HPA) mission is to inspire all New Zealanders to live healthier lives. HPA’s vision is for New Zealand to be a country where people realise their potential for good health and improved quality of life and where our economic and social development is enhanced by people leading healthier lives. HPA is an expert organisation in health promotion practice, influencing all sectors that contribute to good health and wellbeing and healthy lifestyles.
Non-Governmental Organisation. An NGO is any non-profit, voluntary citizens' group which is organised on a local, national or international level.
Illegal/other substances not included.
The New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) monitors population health, including smoking behaviour, in a representative sample of approximately 13,000 adults and 4500 children in New Zealand.The NZHS is run by the Ministry of Health.
The New Zealand Smoking Monitor (NZSM) is a fortnightly monitor run continuously since July 2011 that measures the responsiveness and impact of tobacco control effort among smokers at various stages of the quitting process (non-attempters, recent quit attempters and serious quitters). The NZSM is run by HPA.
Passive smoking, second-hand smoke
Secondhand smoke is a mixture of gases and fine particles that includes: (1) Smoke from a burning tobacco product such as a cigarette, cigar, or pipe; (2) Smoke that has been exhaled or breathed out by the person or people smoking, and (3) More than 7,000 chemicals, including hundreds that are toxic and about 70 that can cause cancer (
RYO cigarettes
Roll-your-own tobacco. Cigarettes made from loose tobacco and rolling paper.
Self-efficacy is the measure of the belief in one's own ability to complete tasks and reach goals. When applied to tobacco control, it often refers to a person’s belief that they will be able to quit smoking.
Smokefree 2025
In March 2011 the Government adopted the Smokefree 2025 goal for New Zealand. This was in response to the recommendations of a landmark Parliamentary inquiry by the Māori Affairs select committee.
The Māori Affairs Committee’s report was clear that the term ‘smokefree’ was intended to communicate an aspirational goal and not a commitment to the banning of smoking altogether by 2025. On that basis, the Government agreed with the goal of reducing smoking prevalence and tobacco availability to minimal levels, thereby making New Zealand essentially a smokefree nation by 2025.
cigarettes / Factory-made cigarettes
Manufactured cigarette sticks.
The Youth Insights Survey (YIS) is a nationally representative school-based survey of around 3,000 Year 10 students. The YIS collects in-depth information on tobacco-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, as well as a wide range of information on youth culture and lifestyles. The YIS is run by HPA.