New Zealand Health Survey
The New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS) monitors population health, including smoking behaviour, in a representative sample of approximately 13,000 adults and 4500 children in New Zealand.
New Zealand Census
The New Zealand Census is the official count of how many people and dwellings there are in New Zealand, measuring the number of current smokers in New Zealand by age, gender, ethnicity and DHB.
Year 10 snapshot
The ASH Year 10 Snapshot forms part of the New Zealand Youth Tobacco Monitor (NZYTM), a collaborative effort by Health New Zealand and Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). The Snapshot is an annual cross-sectional census of 14 and 15-year-old school students’ smoking prevalence.
Health and Lifestyles Survey
The Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS) is a monitor of the health behaviour and attitudes of between approximately 3,000 adults New Zealand adults aged 15 years and over. The HLS is carried out every two years, starting in 2008.
New Zealand Smoking Monitor
The New Zealand Smoking Monitor (NZSM) is a fortnightly monitor run continuously since July 2011 that measures the responsiveness and impact of tobacco control effort among smokers at various stages of the quitting process (non-attempters, recent quit attempters and serious quitters).
New Zealand Cancer Registry and Mortality Collection
The New Zealand Cancer Registry (NZCR) is a population-based register of all primary malignant diseases diagnosed in New Zealand, excluding squamous and basal cell skin cancers. The Mortality Collection (MORT) classifies the underlying cause of death for all deaths registered in New Zealand.

The Quitline data measures the number of quit attempts in New Zealand using Quitline services from 2005 to 2016, split by age, gender and ethnicity.
Smoking Cessation Services
The Smoking Cessation Services (SCS) data represent the activities and outcomes of a number of community based (face-to-face) stop smoking services. There are multiple stop smoking service providers operating within most DHBs.
Tobacco sales data
The Tobacco Sales data contains the sale price and volume of tobacco products over time, by retail type.
Youth Insights Survey
The Youth Insights Survey (YIS) is a nationally representative school-based survey of around 3,000 Year 10 students. The YIS collects in-depth information on tobacco-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, as well as a wide range of information on youth culture and lifestyles.
Other datasets
This section collects data from various sources and including the volume of tobacco sales and prevalence rates of smoking.