The Youth Insights Survey (YIS) is a nationally representative school-based survey of Year 10 students (predominantly 14 and 15 year olds). The YIS collects in-depth information on tobacco-related knowledge, attitudes and behaviour, as well as a wide range of information on youth culture and lifestyles. It monitors the broad spectrum of risk and protective factors that relate to smoking uptake among young people. The YIS is conducted every two years with around 3,000 Year 10 students, and forms part of the New Zealand Youth Tobacco Monitor, a collaborative effort by Health New Zealand and Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). The data presented in this website have been adjusted (weighted) to ensure they are representative of the New Zealand Year 10 student population.
Available filter variables:
Ethnicity, gender, parental smoking, smoking status, school decile status, susceptibility to smoking
Ethnicity: Māori; non-Māori: Multiple responses from list, coded, and categorised as to whether respondent was identified Māori
School decile (Low; Mid; High): School decile used as a measure of each student’s socioeconomic status. Decile 1 to 10 provided by the Ministry of Education for participating schools reclassified as 1 to 4 (low), 5 to 7 (mid), and 8 to 10 (high).
Never smoker: Answered ‘no’ when asked if they had ever smoked.
Current smoker: Smoked at least once a day, once a week or once a month when asked how often they smoked.
Susceptibility to smoking: Non-susceptible never smoker - Answered ‘definitely not’ to both questions below. Susceptible never smoker - Answered anything except ‘definitely not’ to both questions.
Determined by answers to the following questions: “If one of your best friends offered you a cigarette, would you smoke it?” “At any time during the next year (12 months) do you think you will smoke a cigarette?“*
Other information:
The base population for each graph, unless noted otherwise, is all Year 10 students.
Specific analysis, such as short fact sheets, can be accessed here.
For more information on the Youth Insights Survey and the wider NZYTM, please click here.
A list of all the available indicators for this data source