The NZSM is a fortnightly monitor, run continuously since July 2011, to measure the responsiveness and impact of tobacco control effort among smokers who are at different points in the process of quitting smoking. Health New Zealand runs the New Zealand Smoking Monitor (NZSM) on behalf of the Ministry of Health.
The NZSM compares three distinct groups of smokers:
Non-attempters - people who had smoked daily or almost daily in the past 30 days, and had not made a quit attempt that lasted 24 hours or longer in the past three months (definition used since Quarter 6; monthly smokers had been included in the sample from Quarters 1 to 5)
Recent quit attempters - people who had smoked daily or almost daily in the past 30 days, and had made a quit attempt that lasted 24 hours or longer in the past three months (definition used since Quarter 6; monthly smokers had been included in the sample from Quarters 1 to 5)
Serious quitters - people who had smoked regularly in the past three months but they had not smoked daily in the past 30 days and are intended to be completely smokefree in the next 3 months (new respondent group added at Quarter 10).
The definition of non-attempters and recent quit attempers was refined at Quarter 6 and this change might have some impacts on the observed trends.
Available filter variables:
Ethnicity, gender, age
Smoking status
- Ex-smokers: Respondents who were not smoking at the time of the survey;
- Current smokers: Respondents who were smoking at the time of the survey
Recent quit attempts status
- Non-attempter: Daily/almost daily smokers who have not made a serious quit attempt lasting hours or longer in the past 3 months;
- Recent quit attempter: Daily/almost daily smokers who made a serious quit attempt lasting 24 hours or longer in the past 3 months;
- Serious quitter: Smokers/ex-smokers who have not smoked daily in the past 30 days and intend to stay smokefree for the next 3 months
Other information:
Detailed information about the NZSM can be found here.
A list of all the available indicators for this data source