The ASH Year 10 Snapshot survey forms part of the New Zealand Youth Tobacco Monitor (NZYTM), a collaborative effort by Health New Zealand and Action on Smoking and Health (ASH). The Snapshot is an annual cross-sectional census of 14 and 15-year-old school students’ smoking prevalence. All schools with year 10 classes are invited to participate, with around 30,000 year 10 students participating each year.
Available filter variables:
Gender, Ethnicity, School decile status, District Health Board (DHB)
Gender: Self-identified
Ethnicity: Prioritised ethnicity is used to allocate students who identify with more than one ethnic group into a single category for analysis. Students who tick more than one category are prioritised as Māori, Pacific, Asian, Other and finally NZ European.
School decile status: School decile used as a measure of each student’s socioeconomic status. Decile 1 to 10 provided by the Ministry of Education for participating schools reclassified as 1 to 4 (low decile; most deprived), 5 to 7 (mid), and 8 to 10 (high decile; least deprived).
Other information:
Specific analysis, such as short fact sheets, can be accessed here.
For more information about the NZYTM, please visit here.
A list of all the available indicators for this data source