The Health and Lifestyles Survey (HLS) is a nationwide in-home face-to-face survey designed to monitor health behaviour and attitudes of New Zealand adults aged 15 years and over. The HLS is managed by Health New Zealand and collects information relating to tobacco control. The HLS is carried out every two years, with the first HLS carried out in 2008. Each of these surveys have included between 1,600 and 3,000 adults (aged 15 years and over).
Available filter variables:
Gender, Age group, Ethnicity, Parent/Caregiver, Highest qualification, Urban/rural, Household equivalised income, Deprivation, Household composition, Smoking status, Quitting attempts
- Current smoker: People who were smoking cigarettes or tobacco at least once a month at the time of the survey
- Daily smoker: People who were smoking cigarettes or tobacco at least once a day at the time of the survey
- Ever smoker: People who have ever smoked cigarettes or tobacco, even just a few puffs.
- Never smoker: People who have never smoked cigarettes or tobacco, not even a few puffs.
- Recent/past quitter: People who have smoked cigarettes or tobacco in the past, but they no longer smoke at the time of the survey.
Other information:
Some HLS questions have been circulated through years, so some data points are not avaliable for some years. Details of the procedures followed to ensure these surveys produce high-quality and robust data can be found in the related methodology reports. These can be accessed here.
A list of all the available indicators for this data source