0 |  | Ever smoked a cigarette | Year 10 snapshot | 1999-2016 | PrevalenceInitiation |
1 |  | Number of cigarettes smoked in a lifetime | Year 10 snapshot | 2006-2016 | InitiationConsumption |
2 |  | Current smoking status | Year 10 snapshot | 1999-2016 | PrevalenceInitiation |
3 |  | Tried a cigarette for the first time in the past 12 months | Year 10 snapshot | 2012-2014 | Initiation |
4 |  | Past year quit attempts | Year 10 snapshot | 2010-2016 | CessationInitiation |
5 |  | Type of cigarette usually smoked | Year 10 snapshot | 2005-2016 | InitiationConsumption |
6 |  | Likelihood of smoking a cigarette offered by a best friend | Year 10 snapshot | 2006-2016 | Initiation |
7 |  | Likelihood of smoking a cigarette in the next 12 months | Year 10 snapshot | 2005-2016 | Initiation |
8 |  | People smoke inside at home | Year 10 snapshot | 2001-2016 | InitiationSecond-hand smoke |
9 |  | Someone smoked in your presence while travelling in a car or van during the past 7 days | Year 10 snapshot | 2006-2016 | InitiationSecond-hand smoke |
10 |  | 2006, 2013, and 2018 Census cigarette smoking prevalence map | New Zealand Census | 2006-2018 | GISPrevalence |
11 |  | 2006, 2013, and 2018 Census cigarette smoking prevalence graphs | New Zealand Census | 2006-2018 | Prevalence |
12 |  | Ever smoked tobacco | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2018 | Prevalence |
13 |  | Ever smoked 100 cigarettes | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2010 | Prevalence |
14 |  | Frequency smoke cigarettes (ever smoked) | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2018 | Prevalence |
15 |  | Frequency smoke cigarettes (adults 15+) | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2018 | Prevalence |
16 |  | Smoking status | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2018 | Prevalence |
17 |  | When stopped smoking (adults who no longer smoke) | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2018 | Cessation |
18 |  | Number of quit attempts in past 12 months (smokers and recent quitters) | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2018 | Cessation |
19 |  | People should be able to smoke indoors at a marae | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2010 | Attitudes |
20 |  | People should be able to smoke outdoors at a marae | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2010 | Attitudes |
21 |  | People should be able to smoke outdoors on sport fields | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2012 | Attitudes |
22 |  | Smoking is a real problem in New Zealand | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2010 | Attitudes |
23 |  | Society disapproves of smoking | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2010 | Attitudes |
24 |  | Tobacco companies should not be allowed to promote cigarettes and tobacco with different brand names and packaging | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2010 | Attitudes |
25 |  | The government should do more to reduce the harm done by smoking | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2012 | Attitudes |
26 |  | The number of places allowed to sell cigarettes and tobacco should be reduced to make them less easily available | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2018 | Attitudes |
27 |  | There should be complete bans on displays of cigarettes and tobacco inside shops | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2014 | Attitudes |
28 |  | Tax on cigarettes and tobacco should be increased and all the extra money used to help smokers wanting to quit | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2010 | Attitudes |
29 |  | Cigarettes and tobacco should not be sold in New Zealand in 10 years' time | Health and Lifestyles Survey | 2008-2014 | Attitudes |
30 |  | Frequency of lung cancer registrations and mortality | New Zealand Cancer Registry and Mortality Collection | 1948-2013 | Mortality |
31 |  | Population-standardised rates of lung cancer registrations and mortality | New Zealand Cancer Registry and Mortality Collection | 1948-2013 | Mortality |
32 |  | Population-standardised rates of lung cancer registrations and mortality by Ethnicity | New Zealand Cancer Registry and Mortality Collection | 1996-2013 | Mortality |
33 |  | Adults currently smoking - daily | New Zealand Health Survey | 2006-2019 | Prevalence |
34 |  | Adults currently smoking - monthly | New Zealand Health Survey | 2006-2019 | Prevalence |
35 |  | Perceived impact of tobacco cost | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2015 | Policy |
36 |  | Pressure from others to quit | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Cessation |
37 |  | Intention to quit | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Cessation |
38 |  | Self-efficacy in quitting | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Cessation |
39 |  | Reduced tobacco consumption recently | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Consumption |
40 |  | Switched to a cheaper tobacco type recently | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Consumption |
41 |  | Switched to a cheaper brand recently | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Consumption |
42 |  | Smoked duty free cigarettes recently | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Consumption |
43 |  | Exposure to tobacco control advertising | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Media Exposure |
44 |  | Exposure to news stories | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Media Exposure |
45 |  | Exposure to smoking on TV or in movies | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Media Exposure |
46 |  | Awareness of policy change | New Zealand Smoking Monitor | 2011-2016 | Policy |
47 |  | Smoking prevalence based primarily on AC Nielsen data from 1983 to 2017 | Other datasets | 1983-2017 | Prevalence |
48 |  | Tobacco Available for Consumption from 1973 to 2009 | Other datasets | 1973-2009 | Consumption |
49 |  | Cigarettes Available for Consumption from 1973 to 2009 | Other datasets | 1973-2009 | Consumption |
50 |  | Quit attempts from July 2005 to June 2015 (the Quit Group) | Quitline | 2005-2015 | Cessation |
51 |  | Quit attempts from November 2015 to September 2017 (Homecare Medical) | Quitline | 2015-2017 | Cessation |
52 |  | Referral Source | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
53 |  | Referral Response Time | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
54 |  | Clients Numbers Intervention Other Than Cessation | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
55 |  | Number Of Clients Enrolling On The Programme | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
56 |  | Abstinence Rates | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
57 |  | Age Group | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
58 |  | Gender | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
59 |  | Ethnic Group | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
60 |  | Pharmacotherapy | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
61 |  | Time To First Cigarette | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
62 |  | Number of Sessions (Followups) | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
63 |  | Validated 4-Week Abstinence Status | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
64 |  | Self Reported 4-Week Abstinence Status | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
65 |  | Validated 3-Month Abstinence Status | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
66 |  | Self Reported 3-Month Abstinence Status | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
67 |  | Gum Prescribed & Distributed | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
68 |  | Patches Prescribed & Distributed | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
69 |  | Therapy Prescribed & Distributed | Smoking Cessation Services | 2013-2016 | Cessation |
70 |  | Equivalent price per cigarette - Average price per cigarette (RYO converted to equivalent cigarette price) | Tobacco sales data | 2010-2016 | Consumption |
71 |  | Tobacco Sales - 4 Weekly Equivalent Cigarette Sales Volume | Tobacco sales data | 2010-2019 | Consumption |
72 |  | Early uptake of cigarette smoking (first tried a cigarette before age 10) | Youth Insights Survey | 2008-2014 | Initiation |
73 |  | Tried a cigarette for the first time in past year | Youth Insights Survey | 2010-2014 | Initiation |
74 |  | Number of cigarettes smoked in life | Youth Insights Survey | 2012-2018 | InitiationConsumption |
75 |  | Perception of whether it would be difficult to quit once someone has started smoking | Youth Insights Survey | 2008-2018 | CessationInitiation |
76 |  | Perception of whether student could get cigarettes from friends | Youth Insights Survey | 2010-2018 | Initiation |
77 |  | Perception of whether student could get cigarettes from their family or home | Youth Insights Survey | 2010-2014 | Initiation |
78 |  | Perception of whether student could get cigarettes from a shop | Youth Insights Survey | 2012-2014 | Initiation |
79 |  | Past-week exposure to second-hand smoke at home | Youth Insights Survey | 2008-2018 | InitiationSecond-hand smoke |
80 |  | Past-week exposure to second-hand smoke in a vehicle | Youth Insights Survey | 2008-2018 | InitiationSecond-hand smoke |
81 |  | Agreement that parents have set rules about not smoking cigarettes | Youth Insights Survey | 2008-2014 | Initiation |
82 |  | Agreement that parents would be upset if student was caught smoking cigarettes | Youth Insights Survey | 2008-2018 | Initiation |
83 |  | Agreement that there is no harm in having a cigarette once in a while | Youth Insights Survey | 2010-2018 | AttitudesInitiation |
84 |  | Agreement that don't want to end up a smoker | Youth Insights Survey | 2012-2018 | AttitudesInitiation |
85 |  | Agreement that by 2025 hardly anybody will be smoking | Youth Insights Survey | 2012-2018 | PolicyAttitudesInitiation |
86 |  | Agreement that smoking in cars should be banned when children are in them | Youth Insights Survey | 2012-2018 | PolicyAttitudesInitiation |
87 |  | Agreement that tobacco companies should not be allowed to promote cigarettes and tobacco with cool looking packs | Youth Insights Survey | 2012-2016 | PolicyAttitudesInitiation |
88 |  | Agreement that want to live in a country where no one smokes | Youth Insights Survey | 2012-2018 | AttitudesInitiation |
89 |  | Agreement that smoking should be banned in all outdoor places where young people go | Youth Insights Survey | 2010-2018 | PolicyAttitudesInitiation |
90 |  | Ever tried electronic cigarettes | Youth Insights Survey | 2012-2018 | VapingInitiation |